Cool Music brings you the perfect blend of form and function in our ALL NEW – ULTRA COOL SR SERIES GUITAR PICKS.
Made from a patented new space age composite called CELLULON BI-MATRIX.
This new material offers the buttery feel of a nylon pick with a super crisp attack exceeding that of celluloid.
Crisp , Clean & True to your guitar’s own tone. Hear & feel it for yourself. If you drop it on a table you will hear the difference. Harmonically resonant micro-fiber technology is the key. It sounds like titanium, glass or similar resonant material!
In addition to this ULTRA-COOL pick feeling and sounding great
We at COOL MUSIC have used our patented AGT (APPLIED GRIP TECHNOLOGY) to help keep the pick in your hand comfortably. A coolcell rubberized heat sensitive accu-grip has been added to ensure a Positive grip on this REVOLUTIONARY, CUTTING EDGE PICK.